Fashion Graduate Italia 2018:
event highlights
Fashion shows
Shoe sketching
After deciding the style of footwear for the new collection, the designer reports his ideas directly on the “form”.
Pattern-making design process
How are born the outfits we see on the catwalk? Which are the design steps of a garment? And how do the professionals, involved in
Starting from a simple strip of fabric, the workshop teaches how to realize a “Fascinator”, a special accessory to dare with and step up your
Fashion Photography
Pictures capture ideas, visions, the zeitgeist and lifestyles. Creativity and art, design capabilities and aesthetic sensibility are applied in fashion photography, which is an important
Fashion Illustration
Questo workshop vi accompagnerà nella scoperta delle basi del disegno di moda, guidandovi nella sperimentazione in prima persona delle tecniche, delle proporzioni, del movimento, e
Youth entrepreneurship in the fashion industry
With Matteo Casagrande, Paola Negroni, Renato Galliano, Stefano Aglietta. Moderator: Beppe Pisani
UNINVITED Talk with Marcelo Burlon & Andrea Batilla, movie screening
With Marcelo Burlon, Andrea Batilla
Fashion is Culture, criticism and communication of new systems
With: Antonio Mancinelli, Gianluca Cantaro, Angelo Flaccavento, Serena Tibaldi. Moderator: Gloria Maria Cappelletti
New and old professions of the Fashion System: Artisanal and Digital
With: Alberto Cavalli, Felice Limosani
Romeo Gigli meets Antonio Mancinelli: a tale of past, present and future of design
With: Romeo Gigli, Antonio Mancinelli
Fashion and sustainability
With: Stefano Bernasconi, Caterina Occhio, Marina Spadafora. Moderator: Silvia Paoli
Talents: a talk with Barbara Franchin, Mariasole Pastori and Sara Sozzani Maino
With: Barbara Franchin, Mariasole Pastori, Sara Sozzani Maino. Moderator: Barbara Trebitsch
The future challenges of the “Made in Italy” system
With: Fulvia Bacchi, Massimiliano Bizzi, Tommaso Cancellara, Gianfranco Di Natale, Adriano Franchi, Stefania Lazzaroni, Raffaello Napoleone, Giulia Pirovano, Alberto Scaccioni, Sara Sozzani Maino. Moderates: David Pambianco