Youth entrepreneurship in the fashion industry



Oct 29, 2018




An ever-current theme, even more so in an area where entrepreneurship is innate. But starting from a good project, the path is complex and is articulated on several fronts: business, financial, logistic training. The company is a real possibility of self-employment for young people and there are different public and private structures that provide assistance, for various reasons, on this path. The opportunity is to get a picture of the situation in the fashion industry, on the opportunities, tools and supports that the system provides to new entrepreneurs. But also to verify the possible synergies between the subjects engaged on this front.


Matteo Casagrande, Head of Business Development Enterprises, Intesa Sanpaolo

Paola Negroni, Deputy Director of Tourism, Territorial Marketing and Fashion, Lombardy Region

Renato Galliano, Director of Urban Economics and Labor, Municipality of Milan

Marco Cardinalini, President of Young Entrepreneurs, Sistema Moda Italia

The Beppe Pisani panel will be moderating, close to the schools, profound connoisseur of the problems of young students in the Fashion sector