Chiara Ferraris

Chiara Ferraris

RadiciGroup Corporate Communication & External Relation Manager

An engineer and a mum, my working experience has embraced all the areas related to Communication and Marketing, with a strong emphasis on building customer relationship. Drawing on a strong passion for product and market knowledge, supported by my engineer skills, I have had the opportunity to build innovative and successful paths in international companies in different sectors: 15 years in the electro-technical and electronic field in Gewiss as Communication Manager, 11 years in the textile and fashion sector within Albini Group as Marketing and Communication Director. For the last two years, I have been holding RadiciGroup position of Director of the Communication & External Relations area with responsibility for sustainability reporting. I have always been active in institutional fields with economic and environmental coordination roles, today I am President of the Textile and Fashion Group of Confindustria Bergamo, I am Member of the Consiglio Generale (General Council) of Sistema Moda Italia and member of the “Education” Committee of Confindustria Moda.