Accademia Costume & Moda

Accademia Costume & Moda, based in Rome and Milan, has a long tradition in educating professionals for the FashionCostumeCommunication and Management, qualifying itself in the years as a centre of excellence for its didactic method.

Experimentation and culture, combined with design and craftsmanship, are the heart of the school, aimed at providing the Fashion System and the entertainment industry with professionals who are able to respond to the needs of companies, establishing itself among the 3 best fashion schools in the world for its courses in Fashion Design according to the “The Best Fashion Schools in the World 2019″of The Business of Fashion.

ACM provides study courses legally recognized by the MIUR and falls within the sector of dell’Alta Formazione Artistica Musicale e Coreutica (AFAM).

Discover the Making Of of the Capsule Collections made by students of the Master in Haute Couture, Fashion Design of Accademia Costume & Moda.
Experimentation, research and Savoir Fare: these are the keywords of the projects developed by our Fashion, Management and Communication students.
Stay tuned to Fashion Graduate Italia to discover the final collections of the young talents of the Academy’s Master in Haute Couture and Fashion Design!


The capsule collections presented by the students of the Master’s in Alta Moda, Fashion Design are the result of a creative, intimate, and engaging journey. Each student has infused their own personal background and academic experience into haute couture looks.
These unique collections, sponsored by various stakeholders in the supply chain- from fabrics to artisanal craftsmanship – are characterized by common keywords: research, heritage, innovation, sustainability, and tradition.

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