IUAD Accademia della Moda

IUAD Academy of Fashion is recognized by the Ministry of Education, University and Research among AFAM Institutions. It presents, as of today, four departments: Fashion Design, Cinema & Adv, Communication Design and Interior Design. It currently has two locations, Naples and Milan. Since the early 1960s, the academy has been operating in the field of training in the disciplines of fashion, design and communication, offering a wide range of educational paths.All courses are taught with the aid of modern equipment and with the use of the most up-to-date software in the sector, in order to define professional profiles adapted to the needs of the labor market and new industrial strategies.
IUAD Academy of Fashion offers Level I academic courses in Fashion Design, Interior Design and Architecture, and Communication Design, Level II academic courses in Art & Copy and in Accessory Design, and finally Level I Masters in Technical Design for Fashion, Footwear and Leather Goods. 

Through the nine collections realized by the students of IUAD Accademia della Moda we can explore our true selves, revealing our soul to the world outside.
Life is a theater, so we’re accustomed to wearing masks and armor which protect us but at the same time deprive us of revealing our true emotions. Moreover, man collides with an ocean of emotions and sufferings, happiness is related to sadness, life to death. We are fragmented creatures and from every crack it’s possible to see what is hidden in the flesh, always in balance between the opposites, fighting for supremacy. We feel joy and pain, love and hate, strength and fragility…
Like a precious crystal exposed to the direct rays of sunlight, these nine collections take a journey through light and shadow. The sun refracts and shows the infinite facets of the stone as well as IUAD students unleash their creativity and their know-how.
When we give ourselves over to emotions, when we strip off our armor and take off the mask, we free our true essence, we make our soul tangible and dense. And in that moment, all the colours of our emotions are released in a kaleidoscope of light, generating the marvelous spectacle of being oneself.



Through their collections, the students of Accamedemia della Moda IUAD, invite us to explore our true selves, revealing our authenticity to the outside world.
In the theater of life we wear masks and armor as a protection but they also deprive us of revealing our true emotions. Behind them, man collides with an ocean of emotions and suffering. We are creatures of dualism, always poised among opposites fighting for the supremacy. We feel joy and pain, love and hate, strength and fragility.
And in that moment, the full spectrum of human emotion is released like a kaleidoscope of colors, creating a harmony of depth and authenticity.


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