Danda Santini

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Danda Santini

Danda Santini Editor in Chief of the italian version of Elle, the the most popular woman’s magazine worldwide  with 46 international editions.

Born in Milan, Santini, attending classical high school Berchet, also attends for two years the Brera Accademia’s graphic design course. In 1985 She graduates in Classics at Università Statale.

While in University She started collaborating with various magazines (Chérie Moda, Arpel Fur, Gazzetta Ticinese). In 1986 She enrolls at the first fashion journalism course at Società Marzotto and participates in the contest launched by the monthly magazine Moda  winning a six month internship in the editorial office. In 1987 She starts her practice at the monthly magazine Casaviva continuing the experience at Eva’s woman’s weekly magazine, then returning to Moda in 1989 as a professional journalist.

Between 1990 and 1995 She is senior editor of the weekly magazine Anna,  taking care first of the private, psychological area and then of costume and society. In 1996 She becomes the editor-in-chief of the health and wellness weekly magazine Starbene, being appointed director in 1998.

Her career as a director continues in Glamor Italia in 2002 since 2004 when She is offered the position of Editor in Chief of Elle Italia. Later She will direct all Elle’s brand extensions and the editorial direction of Gioia !.

Since 2015 she has been a member of the Women in the Boardroom program for female access to board of directors. She is married and has three children.