Ferrari Fashion School

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Ferrari Fashion School Milano

is the Fashion Academy established 20 years ago in the Fashion  and Luxury education sector, innovating and training new generations of professionals with  the objective of transmitting passion, knowledge and know-how. Quality, Professionalism,  Ethics and Passion are the values that have always distinguished its strong identity. Ferrari  Fashion School is based in Via Savona 97 in Milan, in the heart of the modern Fashion and  Design District, very close to the headquarters of many major brands, in a district that hosts  the most important Ateliers, Showrooms, Design and creative activities of the Fashion, Luxury  and Design sector. 

Three students, each one with a story of overcoming challenges. Victoria, a Fashion Stylist, has turned obstacles into growth opportunities, enriching her creativity. Laura, a Fashion Photographer, has battled shyness and insecurity, expressing beauty through her shots. Giorgia, a Fashion Designer, has transformed a memory into creative strength, following her unique vision.
Looking to the future, they see bright opportunities to achieve their dreams and bring innovation to the world of fashion.


La sfilata degli studenti della Ferrari Fashion School vuole raccontare, attraverso capi dal messaggio etico, il viaggio alla scoperta di sé stessi e della propria identità, un salto nelle proprie radici per evocare emozioni caotiche che prendono ispirazione dalla natura più selvaggia e distruttiva dell’uomo.
Equilibrio tra natura, uomo e tecnologia celebrano la multipotenzialità degli individui e il loro desiderio di esplorare e identificarsi, dove abiti metallici diventano una sorta di corazza contro un mondo che ci vuole perfetti; l’imperfezione come motore del cambiamento.

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